Demo on Unordered list

Ingredients for making of cake

Output: This will give you the result like ul : An unordered list. About the Book Author Ed Tittel is a 30-year veteran of the technology industry with more than 140 computing books to his credit, including the bestselling HTML For Dummies . Each list item starts with the The Unordered HTML List An unordered list starts with the “ul” tag. 1. He closes each list item tag after the item and when the list is complete he closes the ordered list tag. HTML unordered list are used to present list of information in well formed and semantic way. Each element have: heading, short description (max 255 chars), thumbnail, some details, button. Unordered List. An unordered list is a collection of related items that have no special order or sequence. A description list is a list of terms, with a description of each term. Undordered list is created using HTML